Latest Episodes

What is Passive Investing?
Passive Investing: What is it and how can you use what you learn about it to your advantage? Conduct research to gain knowledge, but...

Planning For A New Baby
There are quite a few financial things to think about, especially when expecting your first child. Prepare, plan, and make it a priority! In...

Are You Thinking About Investing In Real Estate Syndications
Do you want to invest in real estate? How do you do it? There are many different ways to invest in the real estate...

Are You Saving Enough For Retirement
Are you on track for retirement? Where are you at, what’s most important, and where do you want to go? Are you saving enough...

How To Finance Big Home Projects
You deserve what you want right now, especially when it comes to building or buying your dream home. Immediate gratification - that’s the American...

Are You Saving Enough For Education
Are you saving enough for retirement, college, or student loans? What is the best way to accomplish your goal of college/education savings? What are...