Latest Episodes
The First Step To Reduce Your Taxes with David Glenn
Who wants to reduce their taxes? The first step requires educating yourself on the basics. In this episode of the Finance For Physicians Podcast,...
Everything You Need To Know About Backdoor Roth IRA with Jennifer Quire
Why should physicians in practice consider a Backdoor Roth IRA? Make sure to do it correctly and efficiently to get the greatest benefits. In...
The Key Process Behind Using Money To Live Better Lives with Jennifer Quire
Money isn’t always the key to happiness. What are the key financial planning processes for using your money to live a better life? In...
Physician Employment Contracts and Compensation with Jon Appino
Are you a physician transitioning into practice or facing an employment contract change or renewal? In this episode of the Finance for Physicians Podcast,...
Can Money Buy Happiness with Jeff Wenger
Can money buy happiness? You can have all the money in the world and be completely unhappy. How can they use money and time...
Aligning Your Time and Money Management With Your Values with Jeff Wenger
You can have all the money in the world and be completely unhappy. Everybody wants to move closer toward living out their version of...