Latest Episodes

Becoming Chronic Disease Patients' Best Friend with Dr. Renee Dua
In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Renee Dua, the Chief Medical Officer of Heal and the visionary behind Renee, a virtual assistant...

Real Estate Investing That Won't Burn You Out with Gregg Cohen of JWB
Real estate is a key part of wealth building in America, and we get asked about it all the time so we know you've...

How To Recover From A Life-Threatening Crisis with Dr. Andrew Berkowski
After facing a near-death experience in the form of cancer in 2018, probably because of the stress he endured at work, Dr. Andrew "Andy"...

Start A Direct Care Side Hustle Today Without All The Risks with Dr. Paula Muto
The busy lives that physicians lead rarely allow for side hustles and projects. But this guest made it work. Dr. Paula Muto is a...

The Most Common Financial Planning Mistakes Physicians Make with Daniel Wrenne
Physicians are doing important work - they are saving lives every day. But physicians are also taking a pushback - the industry is harsh....

Defending Your Career From A Broken System - LinkedIn For Physicians with JD Gershbein
The healthcare system keeps making it harder for doctors to make money, or worse, do what is right for their patients. This leaves doctors...